peolpe really need to think sometimes!

If I were you I’d ask myself this:
Would you choose a hairdresser with trashy hair?
Would you trust a dentist with bad teeth?
Would you consult a surgeon without recommendations/renommés of great results?
Would you buy a fitness dvd where the promoted results of muscle definition aren’t even visible, but instead all covered up?
So cut yourself some slack and think for a second. No matter what it might be – if there is something in life that constantly triggers you and always seem to push those negative buttons of yours? Take charge. Raise your eye gaze. See the real problem and deal with it. There are no shortcuts. Just dedication and commitment. When is YOUR time to start?”

SV; Tack dsm :)

Usch så tråkigt! :( Tyckte du såg lite stor ut på henne, förstå mig rätt. Inte så jag reagerade men ändå tänkte att du är nog för stor för henne snart liksom haha. Vad duktig och snäll du verkar vara! Ska försöka kika in här dagligen :) taaaack och kram! :D